
Showing posts from 2011

Ethics of Competitive Intelligence part 2

Ethics of Competitive Intelligence by Ziaullah Mirza Download Here Online Publication 2011 (Part 2) The Ethics of Competitive Intelligence The ethics of competitive intelligence has been the topic of much discussion over the years, you see, the trouble is where to draw the line between competitive intelligence and industrial espionage. Competitive intelligence is really using all legal means at your disposal, ie information found on the internet or using specialist software and any other information which is publicly available or via a subscription source, organizing the information, analyzing it and using it to help make important decisions for the future of your company. The Ethics of Competitive Intelligence can really be subdivided into three main categories: Clarification of what constitutes ethical and legal competitive intelligence activities Developing and implementing a competitive intelligence ethics policy Making sure that everyone within your organizatio

Ethics of Competitive Intelligence

  Download in PDF Ethics Of Competitive Intelligence By Ziaullah Mirza Online Publication 2011 (Part 1)   Basics of Competitive Intelligence Competitive intelligence   is the art of defining, gathering, analyzing, and distributing intelligence about products, customers, competitors, individuals, concepts, information, ideas or data needed to support executives and managers in making strategic decisions for an organization. Includes a broad array from government intelligence to market intelligence to business intelligence. Competitor Intelligence   can include competitor analysis, knowledge management, market research and business strategy and business research. Competitor Intelligence   can be used as an everyday business tool to  analyze stocks  or look for weaknesses in your competitor. Competitor Intelligence   can be used for everyday consumer activities such as comparing  renter’s insurance plans  to buying  motorcycle insurance . Before You Do Competitive Intell