#Competitive Intelligence report on Cyberwarfare with respect to Pakistan
Cyberwarfare which is known-ed to be the actions by a nation-state to penetrate another nation’s computers or networks for the purposes of causing damage or disruption.
Cyber warfare is a relatively new concept whereby politically motivated hackers and Computer scientists develop means of causing disruption or damage to a government’s IT system and network infrastructure. There are various techniques that fall under cyber-warfare such as a virus or malicious software (most recent examples would be stuxnet and Duqu) or web vandalism. The constant developments in the IT world inevitably lead to an increasing occurrence of cyber warfare. This raises the question as to whether it is more dangerous as opposed to traditional warfare.
Cyber warfare also puts a large amount of focus on espionage. Spy weapons and technologies are advancing at a rapid pace, allowing individuals to gain private and restricted information without leaving a trace. Again, this breach of privacy is undeniably dangerous to both the government and its citizens. Further more, the cost of these cyber weapons are low which means increased accessibility. Hackers can also develop their own software and hardware at home using ready-made items, so long as they have a very in depth IT knowledge. The availability of such information on the Internet also makes cyber warfare a dangerous threat.
the malicious software can be used to physically control the infrastructure. It could be used to stop any means of communication between government officials through the network. Also, examples from real life include the Stuxnet and Duqu viruses which are similar in nature and purpose. Once installed in the industrial control system such as power plants, chemical stations, oil refineries and water treatment facilities, the hackers can then control the processes remotely. They can damage or even destroy the infrastructure which is obviously dangerous for the citizens.
Well, Pakistan is in combat with India on Cyber Space, We did not find any significant force that has been seen in war with India but a very strong hactivisim is in action against India to defense Cyber Space. The most dangerous tools are cyber-weapons and the most dangerous hands are hacktivists. But it is far to reliase how Pakistan can identify who is who and who is under control. As a front-line state in terrorism, Pakistan may face Cyberterrirorism impact after non state elements fail in conventional war. Talent is IT is not long big deal for Pakistanis. It is necessary to control the new IT research and Cyber Security research from the academic Institutions and put them in publically owned research centers in order to get better and competitive results and advantages over CyberWar rivals. This shall increase in cyber warfare tools development, research and counter-competitive Intelligence in order to determine the strength in Cyber Space.
Cyberterrorism is the premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data which result in violence against non combatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents. This definition is necessarily narrow. For the term “cyberterrorism” to have any meaning, we must be able to differentiate it from other kinds of computer abuse such as computer crime, economic espionage, or information warfare. “cyberterrorism” is problematic, because it is often difficult to determine the intent, identity, or the political motivations of a computer attacker with any certainty until long after the event has occurred.
The Stuxnet code, the cyber espionage alleged to originate in China, and the attacks to Estonia and Georgia have been widely reported as examples of cyber-terrorism and possible acts of cyber war . Profound investigations of the incidents could prove neither an authorship of a sovereign state nor serious harm as a consequence of the attacks. This is one of the most fundamental problems: In the relative anonymity and complexity of the Internet and the ability to cross international borders and jurisdictions with impunity, it is very difficult to know exactly who is behind the attacks and their exact motive.
There should be at least on Cyber research center every university in order to get / code cyber warfare tools keep an eye on enemy instead limited private centers under foreign NGOs funds that may sell software (cyber tools) like Trojan, FUD (Fully UnDetectable), Zero Days (Undiscovered Vulnerabilities) and Exploits etc. These software can be accessed by terrorists and especially anti-state element can use them and it can cause Cyberterrism in the country. Pakistan must not ignore to competitive advantages in IT industry with India. India has huge IT infrastructure built by foreign Investment and is in global trade with global giants like IBM, Microsoft etc. There are a number of modern technologies being used as Cyber Warfare like " Competitive Intelligence and Tools" , EMP (ElectroMeganic Pulse) and Cloud Computing which embedded as socially data management technology. Some techniques are too dangerous to use like war dialing which is used to exploring, classifying, and auditing phone systems and this all the way can go to systems like Railways, Air Traffic and other communication system. DOS/DDOS, MiTM, Phishing, MSF, GPS/Wifi Hacking techniques are being used by modern warding warfare. Spoffing GPS system on board the drone, a technique that involves mimicking the actual signals sent to the global positioning device and then eventually tricking the target into following a new set of commands provided plane is set to autopilot under the condition of access violation. There are hundreds and thousands of tools designed for these attacks that may led to Nuclear Plant distractions. Iran and US have been faced for their Nuclear Plants. There are many things to tell related to warfare. I would like to to spot light on modern technologies like " EMP, Cloud Computing and Competitive Intelligence.
As Pakistan has zero Institute that handles courses and trainings related to "Competitive Intelligence" technology that is used for Cyber Warfare management, Economic and social warfare management training and tools. It is combine new research and human resources in order to get targeted result with quick and efficient way. A competitive Intelligence manager can use Competitor Response Modeling to Forecast Potential Competitor Actions Accurately, to Build an Early Warning System to Harness Predictability and Win in the Cyber Space etc. Through Competitive Intelligence it is possible to control over Black Hats (Un-Ethical/ Illegal Hacker), Grey Hats ( black hats under legal cover) , So-cider ( state level war dialer) and White Hats ( Ethical Hacker) and use them for positive and creative purposes.
EMP (ElectroMeganic Pulse) is kind of Cyber warfare is being used by US, Russia and Israel. The effects of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack in the form of high-altitude nuclear weapons and geomagnetic disturbances (GMD) from coronal mass ejections. A number of company has been warned for their critical electric infrastructure operations that cyber attacks are being launched with the intent to gain remote access to control systems and commit sabotage. Cyber attacks against the private sector have historically been categorized as “criminal,” with theft (intellectual or financial) believed to have been the main goal; but with this fast-paced increase in incidents and obvious adversarial intent and attitudes. This could create a fatal attack on any complex or critical electrical/ electronics infrastructure by new exploits and vulnerabilities.
Cloud Computing is new branch of Information Technology led by new techniques to make maximum utilization of IT/ ICT infrastructure with minimum time and resources (human, equipments, cost). There are many types of it being categorized as Public, Private and hybrid etc. This is sort of centralization of infrastructure, resources, data and services through web(virtualization). This is like email server and data centers where millions of users accounts being managed by a single or multiple platforms. Now you can manage data, resources, services and infrastructure at one platform like banks provide a lot of services. Unfortunately if bank's is hacked or security breach may result millions of customers data and information on risk. Same Goes to Cloud Computing industries, if cloud platform hacked or security compromised then it will cause unpredictable damages with respect to privacy, financial benefits etc. This is also being used as the best resources tool for Cyber warfare like espionage etc, that may reveal passwords, messages and other personal information that may use in conventional war as well.
Cyber Warfare mostly depends upon internet flow like what protocols take what messages , what is their purposes and where do they use? If we check out , it is not possible to identified about internet traffic contents, carriers etc. All protocols that are being used introduced by vendors of devices we use. All these protocols are standardized and coded by American and EU only. Some times encryption is unknown or undetectable and may work for rivals on internet as backdoor, Trojan or spyware etc. It is recommend to create research centers specially for Cyber Security and Telecom to code best software like IDS, Firewall, protocols along with device in order to delivery better in Cyber Space.
Ziaullah Mirza
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